Our Correspondence


Dear Ms. Brito,

In reply to your email dated February 3, 2021, addressed to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), we would like to inform you that WIPO is an international intergovernmental organization which cooperates mainly with its Member States and is therefore not entitled to advise private parties, except on questions related to its so-called filing and registration systems, such as the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks or the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs. (...)



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Complaint regarding how the World Health Organization and the European Union have implemented safety measures to guarantee access to Covid-19 vaccines by vulnerable communities and less developed countries and request to support our campaign Humanitarian Cov-19 Vaccines for all countries with inclusion of the civil society in its production and distribution


Dear WHO President Dr Tedros Adhanom

WHO Office at the European Union

Rue de l’Instruction, 154

1070 Anderlecht


Telephone: +32 2 506 46 60

Facsimile: +32 2 506 46 66

E-mail: weu@who.int

Twitter: @WHOatEU

Re: Complaint regarding how the World Health Organization and the European Union have implemented safety measures to guarantee access to Covid-19 vaccines by vulnerable communities and less developed countries and request to support our campaign Humanitarian Cov-19 Vaccines for all countries with inclusion of the civil society in its production and distribution

As a member of the civil society I could not feel more disempowered as to how the process of eradication of the Cov-19 virus out of our communities has been conducted by international organizations who knowing of the potential of mutations of Cov-19 virus and how the length of the process was determinant in securing full recovery of the economies, still went ahead and choose to take a side-line approach instead of a more aggressive , equitable and fair approach which would include us members of the civil society of developed countries and members of less developed countries.

Individuals could and should have been asked more than just stay indoors, restrain from social outings, or observe 2 metres distance. When individuals were asked to observe basic hygiene and clinical standards procedures, individuals should have been included in the production and distribution of Cov-19 vaccines to ensure a quick process that would have ensured short lockdown periods and complete eradication of the virus from our lives.

To our much suffering and collective trauma, we were advised to respect lockdowns, to wait for a suitable contract and to be strong in the face of adversity, ill health, disastrous situations at all levels and inhumane intolerable degrees of loss and grief.

As a campaigner for Humanitarian Cov-19 vaccines for local communities, humanitarian organizations, and vulnerable groups, I advocate inclusion of the civil society in the production and distribution of vaccines instead of the present system of monopoly of vaccines by few and constant delays in the licensing agreements and distribution of vaccines.

My concern and urge to bring this campaign forward rouse from dismay and panic at how people, especially vulnerable ones like disabled, elderly and minorities were succumbing and at a very alarmingly quick rate to the virus.

Succumbing not just physically but also morally and financially, how people were struggling to cope in small places, overcrowded places, in complete loss of their incomes, livelihoods and relatives. When in the outbreak of the pandemic an Italian family in New Jersey, USA, lost several members of their family in the matter of a few days, the medical community embarked on the trend that factors like obesity were more determinant to being vulnerable to the virus than anything else; when several prominent members of the Jewish Orthodox community lost their lives to the virus in the matter of a few days, the medical community embarked on the trend that socially distancing and quarantining were determinant in reducing the spread of the virus; when several teenagers from the Afro American community ( prominent case of Honesty Hodges, 14 year old girl who at 11 was handcuffed by police) lost their lives in the matter of a few days, the medical community embarked on a campaign of lecturing the community on how to address specific issues like diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, but in no way or manner the medical community let this community in particular change the form or shape of their response to the general pandemic.

And here is where the problem lays because, out of all communities mentioned above, this community was mostly affected economically and had least access to medical care and general wellbeing via work, career, safety, etc.

Had this community served as a source of example of general response by the medical community, the exclusion from the economical production platform and the time lapsing between when the community was unwell to when they received targeted public health response, would have been effective guides in shaping their response to the general pandemic.

Equally, had the care homes served as a source of example of general response by the medical community, the fact that there is a complete disregard for other person’s lives as they progress into their senior years, would have been determinant in shaping a more inclusive response that would have minimised the duration of lockdown periods and the exclusion of the civil sector in the production and distribution of cov-19 vaccines.

Having Cov-19 vaccines patents restricted and lobbied by money making machines is a situation that only aggravates the inhumane situation in developed countries, but also is creating an uncertain future with more mutant strains of Cov-19 and an economic power of domination, oppression, and control from one nation to the other.

A perfect example of that is the European Union establishing a new system of power with control over the sourcing, rationing and distribution of the Cov-19 vaccines. I refer you to the European Union Exports of COVID-19 authorisation scheme. Please refer to the EU Press release dated 29 January 2021.

This is also a form of positive discrimination and exclusion of vulnerable countries of the European Union and in a broader spectrum of the rest world. I would bring to your attention the historical background of communities in African countries. For example, South Africa's black community was victim of biological weapons in the past. For example in 1973, the Apartheid Government poisoned South African communities with anthrax

This failure to protect the most vulnerable populations is not the only failing of the European Union in addressing this pandemic. There has been lack of transparency and lack of surveillance and monitoring of genetic tracing, sequencing, and origin of Cov-19 new mutations. I am not only making mention to new strains of Cov-19, but also to how chickens and other animals can get Cov-19 from humans, transmit it between themselves and then back to people. I refer you to the November 2020 WHO statement ‘SARS-COV-2-mink-associated variant strain – Denmark’ where is described the process where animals get infected with Sars-COV and then transmit it back to people. Most members of the civil society in Europe are not aware that a package of meat purchased at their local market can give them more than a cough but a virus with dreadful consequences.

With this Humanitarian Covid-19 vaccines Campaign in mind, I would like to ask you to take legal action to guarantee that the WHO has the right to use Cov-19 patents and to help us members of the civil society to be included in the production and distribution of Cov-19 vaccines while the virus is containable and not mutated to the point where no vaccine works. Our local community labs should have the right to use Cov-19 vaccines patented by third parties at a minimal fee and without any restrictions or dictatorial containment by bodies like the European Union.

I thank you beforehand for your time and hope to hear from you soon,

Kind regards

Ariane Brito

Founder of Humanitarian Cov-19 Vaccines for All Countries



Public Health England

Wellington House

133-155 Waterloo Road

London SE1 8UG

Tel: 020 7654 8000


Twitter: @PHE_uk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/PublicHealthEngland

Re: Request of information regarding why Cov-19 vaccines patents are not lifted to allow local laboratories in Britain and in less developed countries to produce the vaccines to contain further mutations of the virus and minimise the future repercussions for Humanity.

I live in Kent, where one of the most recent mutated strains came to be and is now a potential threat to the lives of many vulnerable people in Britain and abroad.

This stressful situation is aggravated with an imposed lockdown which could have been avoided if people all over the world had done their part in keeping social distancing and preventing the spread of the virus.

Though we cannot turn back time, I would like to ask you how can I, as the Founder of the Campaign Humanitarian Covid-19 For Everyone ,be involved in appealing to your institution and public body to consider challenging the patents of Cov-19, so local labs in Britain and abroad can produce Cov-19 vaccines without patent restrictions. This would greatly help reduce the impact of the virus in everyone’s lives, save many more lives and stop the virus from mutating while we wait for the vaccination process to be completed.

England’s public health would greatly benefit from having the pandemic reduced worldwide as would reduce the number of people flying into the country with the virus and spreading it around.

Also, would prevent the complete loss of control of the future of this pandemic and how it affects us all. Immunity, with vaccines or no vaccines, can also depend on the individual and of the national circumstances of the country or county the individual is in. Allowing other countries and our localities to produce the vaccine would assist communities who are facing tremendous economical pressure due to the lockdown and particular vulnerability because a high percentage of the members of their communities are born abroad, travel regularly or have certain underlying health conditions that make the community even more vulnerable.

Would you kindly consider looking at my campaign site and see whether your institution and public body can accommodate my campaign for a better world and outcome of this pandemic for all of us in and out of Britain? Our campaign site is https://sites.google.com/view/humanitarian-cov-19-vaccines-c/home and our Petitions site is https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/573023/sponsors/new?token=-_gZYpBPSsrjy_HHTRVq .

Is with the utmost respect and humility that I kindly ask you to look at the campaign and my petition and to assist me with this matter.

I thank you beforehand for your time and hope to hear from you soon,

Kind regards,

Ariane Brito

Founder of Humanitarian Cov-19 Vaccines for All Countries and Local Communities



The Humanitarian Cov-19 Campaign urges the International Community to combat media and populist science reports exalting how Africa is doing and done well in terms of contraction and death of Corona viruses.

If Cov-19 is indeed a combination of two viruses crossed in an animal (with or without lab intervention and engineering) , then Africa can potentially be the mostly deadly hub for new future forms of Cov-19 which not only are not responsive to preventive measures put in place like Cov-19 Vaccines, but mutations of Cov-19 which are vested under other viruses and infections and deaths are labelled as under something else.

Is of importance that the International Community refers to how Smallpox and other minor

diseases eliminated 25 to 30 million Native Americans in the American Continent, in a manner which was unprecedented at the time and is still a reminder to our days how communities without health services actively engaging in the prevention of public pandemics, still are easily shaken by pandemics in a disproportionate manner to better served communities in terms of Public Health services.

The Humanitarian Cov-19 Vaccines for Everyone Campaign insists that the answer for future irreversible and possibly irremediable and non-preventable problems, lies in facilitating the production of Cov-19 vaccines at local communities’ level without debt or high patent licences charges.

Ariane Brito

Humanitarian Cov-19 Vaccines for Everyone Campaign