
I, Ariane Brito, am campaigning to have all Covid-19 vaccines patents levied so production and distributions is available for Humanitarian institutions like the United Nations, World Health Organization , and laboratories. Is my belief that this terrible death toll can be reduced and prevented from occurring if the vaccines are made quickly and locally to meet the demands of every patient of all ages. The campaign started with writing to American Social Justice institutions requesting for legal assistance. Then I started a petition in London and sent a copy to the United Nations with a letter requesting to consider taking the matter further so the vaccines patents can be levied for Humanitarian use. At this stage, I am campaigning for social media coverage in the newspapers and main tv channels so the general population is aware that there are legal mechanisms which we can recur to force the major vaccines patent owners to allow the 'waiting world ' to actually engage in the production and distribution of the vaccine, and therefore produce an effective result in bringing closure to this pandemic.

Engage Social Justice Organizations

At the forefront of the war against Cov-19 stand more than health workers, also stand Social Justice organizations who have bravely spoken about systemic discrimination and how this is visible in the disproportionate impact of the Cov-19 in particular groups. We contacted the American organizations I AM POWER RISING, AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION,NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE and NAACP informing them that we were starting the Humanitarian Cov-19 campaign , we cited the legal precedent we were basing our work and encourage them to do the same. We also asked ABA for legal support to be provided.

Request assistance to the United Nations and World Health Organization

We requested assistance because we will not be able to move forward with the campaign without having support of the major institutions providing humanitarian health care. Not only we admire these institutions motto and work but also believe that they are the first to be able to deliver in the quest for Cov-19 vaccines for all and at the quickest possible speed so as to minimize future virus mutations and reduce mortality and suffering for all.

Move forward with the petition in the British Parliament

My petition:

Humanitarian Use of Cov-19 patented vaccines.

I ask the Government or Parliament to challenge the present Cov-19 vaccines patents so Humanitarian and Local laboratories and pharmacies in the UK can produce and distribute Cov-19 vaccines to locals so as to minimize the wait and expand those able to receive it before the virus mutates.

I would like the Government to license present Cov-19 vaccines for humanitarian grounds as certain areas in the UK are badly hit by the virus and there is a correlation between cov-19 mortality with ethnicity and socio-economic background.

Click this link to sign the petition:

Engage civil society

Newspapers, tv channels are the quickest and easiest way to engage and bring forward collective effort to facilitate this campaign. FACEBOOK HAS BLOCKED ALL ADVERTISEMENT FOR MY PAGE and blocked me from advertising anything related, so I am writing to media channels to deliver press releases and updates on my campaign.